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Charlie Charges On Black Tie Charity Ball


We held our first charity ball on the 25th October 2014.

It was a wonderful evening in memory of Charlie, with over 180 guests raising over £10,000 for Brain Tumour Research.

People had a great evening, we had live music from Collette and Omar and a great Michael Jackson tribute act who saved Charlie's favourite song 'Billie Jean' until the end of his act when the guests all got up to join in with the dance which Charlie would have really loved to see. We had some amazing prizes including 2 holidays and everybody really enjoyed themselves. We couldn't be more proud of the evening. There were special Charlie Charges On chocholate bars and some had golden tickets insde, these tickets won people bottles of wine.

 We have an amazing team of 'Charlie Charges On' family and friends who helped make this happen and we know how proud Charlie would be.

We could not have acheived this all without the help of our sponsors and prize donations, we are really grateful for all who helped support our first charity ball.

 We had a fantastic photographer, with excellent props that the quests absolutley loved and left us lasting memories of this great event.


Photos courtesy of ANG PHOTOGRAPHY 

 CLICK HERE to read press for the ball.


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